It's kind of hard to describe to anyone, technical or otherwise, the
extent to which Gary
Chanson's WinTools have increased my computer
productivity since I discovered and started using his tools to "stuff"
the keyboard with strings of keystrokes which came up regularly several
or more times
each day.
A couple of notes... QMenu
has it's own SEND command, which makes creating and editing the menus
simpler! In addition, ^C (copy) works.
In version 1.4 Gary added the variable $CLIPBOARD which passes the
contents of the clipboard buffer and works with both the SEND command
(removing the need for ^V) plus it allows passing the contents of the
clipboard to a command to RUN an executable with an argument such as;
Reg&Jump = regjump.exe $CLIPBOARD
is another useful tool that opens REGEDIT and goes directly to the
registry key that is passed in the argument following the executable...
in the above example, copy any valid registry key, hit the hotkey to
trigger QMenu, then type "J" and the windows registry opens at the
copied key location within the registry.)
At the bottom of this tutorial, I have included two different sample
menu files... one using only QMenu and the other including the same
QWin commands.
While WinTools is a suite of many and diverse Windows utilities, there
is one WinTool which offers the potential to assist anyone
spends a lot of time using a keyboard or to save time entering text on
a Tablet PC It's named QMenu.exe.
This is a popup menu program as shown below, which,
based on the menu selection, issues windows commands to run any program
including, a SEND command in order to automatically type
frequently needed text ...such as a full
address...., pressing a hotkey to bring up my own menu and selecting the
option, QMenu issues my SEND command to type the string associated
with the menu entry "Addr" into the current document.
Using a full keyboard, the quickest way to execute menu options is
using a hotkey assigned to launch QMenu plus QMenu's own hotkeys... the
characters in the menu selections. If each of the underlined
characters are
used only once in a menu, simply typing it will execute the associated
These menu's also work well using a tablet computer and pen stylus...
assign one of the tablet's programmable buttons to launch QMenu showing
your menu, then one or two taps of the stylus can succeed in typing a
line or more of text.
In addition to simply typing text, SEND can issue most keyboard
commands. Since I spend a lot of times responding on computer
forums, a huge time saver is a keyboard macro to "quote" any text which
I have in the clipboard buffer such as;
>> This is a sample forum question copied from a message
The above SEND command is a little more complex than the address
example which simply typed out the address...
The "Quote" keyboard macro goes to the
beginning of the current line, creates a blank line, types the
beginning quote marks plus a <space> pastes the text currently in
the clipboard into
the document, types another <space> plus the end quote marks,
then creates a blank line below the quote creating a "quote paste" such
as the one shown
At this point it's probably appropriate to show the SEND command which
created the above quote paste;
Time to remember that all of that was accomplished with only two
keystrokes... the first was the hotkey to launch this custom QMenu, and
the second was "Q"
...note that the "Q" in Quote is underlined
when QMenu appears thereby indicating that it's the hotkey for this macro.
Two more examples below the first Quote selection are two other "Quote"
selections I use frequently, the first preceeded by
an underlined <period> and the second preceeded by an underlined
Pressing the hotkey and <period> creates two
blank lines plus the beginning and ending quote marks, then moves the
insert cursor between the quote marks so that typing can begin
>> <<
Next, the <comma> selection "Breaks" quotes... for example, there
two or more items I want to quote in a response.. I copy a block
containing all of the quote texts, then paste it as a single quote...
...then I put my cursor where
I want the break the quote, press <hotkey><comma> and get;
>> This is a
sample forum question <<
>> copied from a
Onward to QMenu Files
Getting too complicated? Perfect time to look at how the actual
menus are
built... they are simply "plain text" files.
A complete QMenu file containing only the
above three commands would look like;
Everthing left of the "=" is what will appear in the onscreen
The "&" preceeds the character which will become the
menu hot key.
Everything on the right side of the "=" are the windows commands which
QMenu will
issue when that menu selection is made...
...and, these commands are not limited to QMenu's SEND command... the
menu file can
issue any valid command line and run any program from the command line.
OK, you have a lot of stuff that you type
regularly and it won't all fit on one menu!
QMenu Supports
For example, I answer a lot of ActiveSync Questions, so, I have a
submenu of items relating directly to ActiveSync such as;
In these cases, selection takes one additional keystroke... in the
above example;
...types out a long and complex URL of a tip related to ActiveSync
problems involving the Outlook PST file. (fwiw, my
primary menu file now contains over 125 macros)
An abbreviated example (so the lines won't wrap) of the QMenu entries
for the above submenu is;
I doesn't really matter what kind of document is
currently being edited... the above
works in almost every place I have tried it, from email messages, to
documents and even including web forum message boxes.
After downloading and installing WinTools, the QMenu command
line is very simple;
Create a desktop shortcut with the above (assuming your menu file is
named "MYMACROS.MEN") then open the shortcut properties and assign it a
"hotkey" such as <Ctrl-Alt-Q>
To test it, open notepad or start an email message and press <Ctrl-Alt-Q>
and select from your menu options... the text associated with the
selection should then appear in your document.
While the Shortcut-Hotkey approach works, if you have a keyboard with
programmable keys or a tablet with programmable buttons, using one (or
more) of those to launch QMenu makes life much easier.
As mentioned above, a
related program is QWin.exe.
This utility also has the ability to "stuff"
the keyboard buffer with anything which can be typed on the
keyboard so the typing occurs in the current
program, for example, typing out your full name. An example of a
shortcut commands might be;
"" send "My Name~C"
So, rather than using QMenu, create a single QWin shortcut assigned to
a hotkey or a programmable key for
something that I type very frequently
so I can launch it using a single
keystroke rather than making a QMenu selection.